The transition from school to future training or employment is often not an easy one for many young people and especially those on the fringes.

NEET (not in Education, Employment, Training 16-18)

The aim of the NEET service is to engage young people who are transitioning to ultimately prevent them from becoming long term beneficiaries. Research shows us that young people who experience independence through gaining employment or going on the further training are less likely to sit on a benefit for long periods of time. Our coaches support young people to set and achieve goals that set them up for a positive and independent future.

YP (Youth Payment 16-18)/YPP (Young Parent Payment 16-20)
The aim of the YP, YPP Service is to engage and support eligible 16-20 year olds who are no longer living at home due to break down in the home (YP) or who are young teenage parents (YPP). They are supported to achieve improved well-being through sustained education, training or employment outcomes and meet obligations associated with financial support. This will contribute to
them achieving long term independence reducing the risk of long-term benefit dependency.

These programmes are MSD funded and participants must meet certain criteria. Please contact us for any queries regarding eligibility or to receive a referral form.


“I am just so grateful for the people in my life and Springboard especially and the people there that helped me out so much. If it wasn’t for them I would…be in a bad place right now”.  MARAMA

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